
このブログは、mabuの平凡な日常を淡々と描く物です。 過度な期待はしないでください。 あと、部屋は明るくして、 モニターから3メートルは離れて見やがってください。

Installed yii-environment

背景 Background


目標 Goal

  • 環境依存は設定ファイルで保持できる事
  • ソースコード上では環境を意識しなくて良い事

環境 Environment

手順 Operation



$ cd /usr/local/src
$ sudo wget
$ sudo chown -R `whoami` yii-environment-*.zip
$ unzip yii-environment-*.zip -d $HOME/sample/protected/extensions
$ cd $HOME/sample
$ mv protected/extensions/yii-environment-*  protected/extensions/yii-environment
$ cp -p protected/extensions/yii-environment/example-config/mode_* protected/config
$ vi protected/config/main.php

  8 $YII_DIR_PATH='/usr/local/bin/yii/framework';
  9 return array(
 10     // Set yiiPath (relative to Environment.php)
 11     'yiiPath'  => $YII_DIR_PATH.'/yii.php',
 12     'yiicPath' => $YII_DIR_PATH.'/yiic.php',
 13     'yiitPath' => $YII_DIR_PATH.'/yiit.php',
 14     // Set YII_DEBUG and YII_TRACE_LEVEL flags
 15     'yiiDebug'      => false,
 16     'yiiTraceLevel' => 0,
 17     // Static function Yii::setPathOfAlias()
 18     'yiiSetPathOfAlias' => array(
 19         // uncomment the following to define a path alias
 20         //'local' => 'path/to/local-folder'
 21     ),
 22     // This is the main Web application configuration. Any writable
 23     // CWebApplication properties can be configured here.
 24     'configWeb' => array(
 25         'basePath'=>dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'..',
 82         // application-level parameters that can be accessed
 83         // using Yii::app()->params['paramName']
 84         'params'=>array(
 85             // this is used in contact page
 86             'adminEmail'=>'',
 87         ),
 88     ),
 89     // This is the Console application configuration. Any writable
 90     // CConsoleApplication properties can be configured here.
 91     // Leave array empty if not used.
 92     // Use value 'inherit' to copy from generated configWeb.
 93     'configConsole' => array(
 94     ),
 95 );

$ vi index.php

  1 <?php
  2 // set environment
  3 require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/protected/extensions/yii-environment/Environment.php');
  4 $env = new Environment();
  5 // set debug and trace level
  6 defined('YII_DEBUG')       or define('YII_DEBUG',       $env->yiiDebug);
  7 defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL', $env->yiiTraceLevel);
  8 // run Yii app
  9 require_once($env->yiiPath);
 10 $env->runYiiStatics(); // like Yii::setPathOfAlias()
 11 Yii::createWebApplication($env->configWeb)->run();



  • 開発環境(development)
  • 本番環境(production)
  • ステージング環境(staging)
  • テスト環境(testing)
$ cd $HOME/sample
$ echo 'development' > protected/config/mode.php
$ vi protected/config/mode_development.php

 12 return array(
 13     // Set YII_DEBUG and YII_TRACE_LEVEL flags
 14     'yiiDebug'      => true,
 15     'yiiTraceLevel' => 3,
 16     // Static function Yii::setPathOfAlias()
 17     'yiiSetPathOfAlias' => array(
 18         // uncomment the following to define a path alias
 19         //'local' => 'path/to/local-folder'
 20     ),
 21     // This is the specific Web application configuration for this mode.
 22     // Supplied config elements will be merged into the main config array.
 23     'configWeb' => array(
 24         // Modules
 25         'modules' => array(
 64     ),
 65     // This is the Console application configuration. Any writable
 66     // CConsoleApplication properties can be configured here.
 67     // Leave array empty if not used.
 68     // Use value 'inherit' to copy from generated configWeb.
 69     'configConsole' => array(
 70     ),
 71 );

参考サイト Reference